Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Green

Simple Tips on Rearranging your Home as per Vastu
March 22, 2018
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Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Green

Global warming is a man-made disaster but the solution too lies with mankind.
Many responsible builders are doing their bit by building greener homes. These homes are eco-friendly and depend less on electricity as an energy source along with a lower consumption of water.  Changes, big and small, can help save the one planet we all call home. Let’s start with our own home, shall we?  We have narrowed in on a few easy to follow tips here:

  • Use CFL and LED lamps – These produce less heat, consume less energy as well as have a longer lifespan too. Great for cutting down your electricity bills.
  • Go for energy-efficient appliances like refrigerators and ACs that display the energy star rating for efficient energy use and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Turn off AC/heaters when no one’s home. And adjust the thermostat at night to reduce energy consumption.
  • Consider using solar energy, especially when living in the tropics. Photovoltaic devices convert sunlight into cheap electricity for home use.
  • Consider setting up a biogas plant in your backyard to recycle your organic garbage, while providing free cooking gas.
  • Reduce your water usage by using aerated faucets, high-efficiency toilets and low-flow aerated shower heads. You can also use drains to collect stormwater and use for gardening purposes or washing the car.
  • Reduce the use of VOC (Volatile organic compounds) products such as those present in paints, cleaning fluids and room fresheners – as they are toxic to you and the environment.
  • Go for recycled glass countertops in the kitchen instead of granite or marble which aren’t renewable. Glass is equally durable and great to look at too.
  • Consider going for renewable flooring such as bamboo which is very durable and comes stained in numerous colors.
  • The correct positioning of the home while building is important too, for maximal exposure to natural lighting.
  • Planting trees around your home help keep your home cool during the summer and warm during the winters, aside from supporting the environment and providing privacy.

The list of ideas is endless! Adapt those that make sense to your lifestyle! Go green, people!
To know more about eco-friendly, sustainable homes, click here:




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