Simple Tips on Rearranging your Home as per Vastu

Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Green
March 22, 2018
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Simple Tips on Rearranging your Home as per Vastu

Vastu Shastra is the science of space and architecture and is believed to have evolved around 6,000-3,000 BC. Most of the ancient palaces and temples were built using this ancient architectural discipline. Vastu is not only a science but also a bridge between you and the surrounding nature, teaching the art of living.

Since everyone wishes for a home that radiates positive energy and warmth, application of the principles of Vastu is the ideal way of achieving this. All it requires is a little rearrangement in the layout, colours, artefacts, addition of plants and de-cluttering to raise the energy quotient of your home!

  • The main entrance should face north, east or north-east so your home is positioned in a constantly positive cosmic field which promotes positive thinking, prosperity as well as good health.
  • As per Vastu, your kitchen should face the south-east corner with the cooking range also being kept there. The taps, however, should face north-east.
  • The perfect location for the master bedroom is the south-west corner.
  • Mirrors shouldn’t be kept directly opposite the bed in bedrooms.
  • Attached bathrooms should be placed in the north-east or south-west direction of the bedroom.

Since most homes are bought ready-to-move-in and not much can be done structurally, you can still apply the principles of Vastu to improve energies. Here are some more ways to introduce Vastu-positivity to ready-to-move-in homes.

  • Avoid using red, black or grey colours at the entrance of the house. Light blues, greens and white create positivity and improve wealth.
  • The west zone should have white and cream colours while the east zone should be brown, green or white. The north can be dominated by blue, green or white and the south zone with fiery reds and greens.
  • Place all your family photographs in golden frames in the south-west zone to forge stronger relationships. Avoid red and blue colours here.
  • Fresh flowers in a green vase or a picture/statue of Buddha do wonders to combat areas with negative energies in the northern zone.
  • Create uncluttered, open spaces in your homes so energy can flow around unhindered; dispose of ugly and unnecessary things.
  • Finally, open your doors and windows regularly.

Have a happy home!




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